Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Underestimating the Power

crossheavenThe Power of God. I had a discussion with someone a little while ago on the issue of obedience to God. The person argued that we cannot perfectly obey God because of our liabilities of being human. When I attempted to speak on the reality of obedience in the Christian life, my friend immediately told me that I was minimizing the extent and damage of sin done to humanity.

The Power of Sin

My friend continued, "Sin has placed us in a position where we cannot help but sin. Sin has totally corupted our nature to the point that sin is the logical and inevitable outcome. Sin is all we can do for we are born sinners and thus must sin."

There does seem to be some truth here. Sin has corrupted our nature. Sin has attacked us at the core. But, my friend, accused me of minimizing the extent of the damage done by sin. To that I argue that my friend has minimized the power of God.

Obedience is based on God's ability

If God, who created all out of things that do not appear (Hebrews 11:3), then why can't God keep us from falling (Jude 1:24) as it says in the word?

What sin can do, I declare God can do more. Whatever evil sin can place on us, God has more power! certainly the creative power of God declares to us that God can do it.

We always talk about God making a way for us. But how about recognizing that God can make a way through us. this is why the Psalmist called for God to use that same creative power to renew his Spirit. (Psalm 51:10)

Is it possible? Was it possible that God spoke the worlds into existence? I declare that the answer to both of those questions is the same answer.

Believe it or Not, it Will Happen

Some say obedience will not happen, but John in the Revelation points to a group, he says "Here are they" essentially saying, "Here they are." He notes that there will be a group who are identified as commandment keepers by the faith OF Jesus. They seek to live God's life. (Revelation 14:12)

They will be obedient to the most high God. In short, just because you are not living it, or seeing it, or even believing it, don't limit the power of God to accomplish it! So maybe I am limiting the power of Sin, but that is only in reference to the creative power of God...

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