Tuesday, October 9, 2007

T. D. Jakes and the Sabbath

A more comprehensive rebuttle to Pastor Jakes can be found at this link.

I have seen some Adventists characterize Bishop T. D. Jakes' sermon as an attack on both Adventism and the Sabbath.I have heard other Adventists who saw the sermon as Jakes promoting the Sabbath in some way. I conclude that it is paradoxically both a notable attempt to find relevance in the Sabbath commandment and an attack specifically on the Seventh-day Sabbath. The title of the sermon is RSVP and can be found at this link.

Jakes Initial look at the Sabbath

Jakes quotes an Old Testament passage that states that we are to “bear no burden on the Sabbath day.” Jakes, in an insightful move, applies this to our own contemporary context. Specifically, the Sabbath is about freedom. We should let all of our burdens go. Jakes here sees in the Sabbath a symbol of God’s desire to free us of all of our burdens. This helpful idea is pervasive in the sermon. I think that we Seventh Day Sabbatarians aught to look, as Jakes as done, for ways to tie the Sabbath to the basic Gospel and help us gain a glimpse of what God has done and is doing for and in us. Jakes should be commended at attempting to marshal the doctrine of the Sabbath in support of the goal of helping people live Christ-centered lives. However, Jakes undercuts his support of the Sabbath by attacking the same Sabbath.

Sabbath is Saturday

I do appreciate that Jakes correctly identifies the Sabbath as Saturday. Although he does briefly talk about the New Testament supposedly pointing to the Sabbath as Sunday. Presumably because of the resurrection. He does not provide any substantiation.

Later, Jakes talks about keeping all the days as a Sabbath. However one cannot keep all the days, at least not as a Sabbath. The Sabbath requires a total disengagement from the world and participation in the coming kingdom. You cannot do that on every day of the week. Now Jakes would argue that we can if the “rest” is a “rest” in Jesus for salvation and not a 24 hour time period. We shall return to this later.

Sabbath past and future

Jakes has some gems that are very helpful to Sabbatarians. He looks at the fourth commandment and sees it both as a pointer to the past and the future. The word “remember” refers to a past event and the “keep it holy” refers to a present reality. Here Jakes sees in the Sabbath a past and a present reality. In addition, I would add to Jakes helpful insight that there is a future dimension as well. In any case, Jakes correctly notes that the Sabbath is more than just the 24 hour day where we go to church, however none of this precludes a 24 hour day to celebrate what Jakes has told us is the real meaning of the Sabbath. I would argue that one needs a 24 hour day to fully experience the present reality of God's future unencumbered by daily necessities like work.

The Rest of God

Jakes sees that in the Genesis account that God created everything and then rested. Humanity was simply to enter into that rest for all was done. However when sin entered into the world, it was then that God’s rest was broken. Thus, the commandment is telling us to “remember that sin broke rest.”

It is here that Jakes makes an interesting connection. In the beginning God created and and said it was all good. Then God rested. Then sin entered and broke God’s rest. God gave the Sabbath to the Jews to help them remember that sin broke the rest. Then Jesus came and died on the cross. Jesus once again says, “It is finished” and goes to set on the right hand of God. Now the Sabbath is fulfilled in Jesus’ rest.

Jakes then asks, "Why care about a shadow that simply pointed to the rest of Jesus when you have the reality?"

Then Jakes gives an illustration. Jakes spoke of a shadow being cast at his wedding as the light from the candles hit his body. He then asks, “Why would someone take the shadow when someone could have the man?” Thus, Jakes sees Sabbatarians holding on to the shadow and not the reality which is Jesus Christ.

The Problem

There are a few problems with this argument. First, Jakes assumes that the Sabbath cannot be a symbol of the rest that Jesus gives. Why can’t our keeping of the Sabbath today symbolize our rest in Jesus? Why does he assume that one can only have the shadow (Sabbath) (I do not think that the Sabbath is a shadow, I am just using Jakes' terminology) or Jesus? Can’t one have both the Sabbath and Jesus?

Why does Jakes argue that the Sabbath goes back to creation and yet it is a Jewish ordinance? It is either a creational ordinance or a Jewish one, but it cannot be both. And finally, why does Jakes seem to assume that the celebration of a 24 hour Sabbath is at odds with the belief that the day also points to rest in Jesus?

Finally, I think that his wedding illustration is helpful. How would Jakes’ wife respond if his wife told him to remember the day of their wedding and he either chose to forget it or said that “every day was his anniversary?” The simple fact is, as Jakes stated, the Sabbath is “technically’ Saturday.

Very Helpful exposition of the Sabbath

Jakes then continues his helpful discussion of the Sabbath as a symbol of our rest in Jesus. He argues that we are to fight to enter into the rest of God. We are to rest from our efforts to be saved, rest from our efforts to become children of God. Rest in the fact that we are children of God. The labor is to enter the rest. And then he moves back to the first issue of how we must let go of our baggage that separates us from God and others. Jesus is calling us to enter into the rest. The Sabbath is a symbol of that rest.


I think taking everything into consideration, T. D. Jakes presents a good sermon on the Sabbath. I certainly have issues with his seeking to do away with the Seventh-day Sabbath, but his exposition of the meaning of the Sabbath for modern day Christians can be helpful to all Sabbatarians as we seek to explain the importance of the doctrine. I think that many of us need to do some contemplation of the importance of the principle of Sabbath as Jakes has done here. However, I only wish that Jakes would begin to fully keep the day that God has set aside to contemplate all that Jakes has so eloquently described.


  1. Elder Engleburg ToneyOctober 31, 2008 at 9:55 AM

    Are you kidding me? "Good?" Maybe you need to go back and look up the word good, brother, because that sermon was anything but! It has set the Movement back almost a hundred years. You can't possibly think that his oration of the Sabbath is beneficial to any sincere seeker of truth. Furthermore Isaiah said, "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil!" (Isaiah 5:20) It was EVIL for it teaches people to depart from Biblical Truth! I believe you too are so enamored with the man that you are blinded by his lack of biblical scrutiny. We are suppose to lift up the standard not circumvent it. Christ can not be separated from the Sabbath. Keep the Faith! And don't be blinded by the artificial "light!"

  2. I doubt you read my article sir, thank you for you comments, but please read the whole article before commenting...

  3. Response to TD Jakes found here:


  4. i think what jakes is saying is not true in the sense that the sabbath is the shadow and the fact that GOD gave the sabbath to the jews to remmember that rest was broken,the sabbath is a symbol of rest in it men shall rejoice and give praise to the creator it is a covanent between GOD and his people the bible says in genesis 2;2 he rested from all his work and blessed the seventh day so it is up to men whether they want 2 follow the true god or follow jakes theory because jakes is totally missing the point with all his myths he's only deviating the children of GOD from the real truth by which they might be saved.

  5. Sherman Haywood Cox IINovember 10, 2009 at 9:02 AM

    Yes...the Sabbath was never a shadow as you have noted. In addition, however, Jakes' argument that the day is not important because it is more important to have the person than the day, does not prove what he wants it to prove. In the article, I use that argument to show that he does not even believe it for his wife would not be happy if he ignored their anniversary because he "had her and not the day." As I have argued in the article...

    Surely if you have read the whole article you would not be under the impression that I agree with Jakes on the issue of Sabbath? Please read the whole article...

  6. well certainly im under the impression u agree. my question is what is the purpose of the sabbath to u as an individual because clearly you are telling everybody that they should read the article thoughroughly please make your views very clear on the sabbath that is made for men and not men made for the sabbath.

  7. Sherman Haywood Cox IINovember 11, 2009 at 8:52 AM

    I still don't' understand...Are you saying that you are under the impression that I agree with Jakes views on the Sabbath as not being legitimate? Certainly one can disagree with my article...that is find, but I find it hard to believe one has read this article and come to the conclusion that I agree with Jakes that the Seventh day Sabbath is illegitimate...That's why I assumed you hadn't read the article...perhaps I misread you...can you expand on your statement?

    I really find it interesting that the original poster disagrees with my article and then makes some of the same arguments that I make in it...That is why I assumed he had not read it...

    God bless...

  8. What was the first test that was given to Israelites when they came out of Egypt? God rained down manna for six days and on the seventh day did rained down none (Ex 16:4-28).

    Now why did God do that? What was He trying to teach them? Trust! They were to trust and have full assurance and the Sabbath was the test of their trust or full assurance. Why so? On the seventh day, they were to trust in the provision that was given to them on the sixth day.

    How much was it given to them on the sixth day? Double portion (Ex. 16:22).

    Here is the facinating part. Jesus comes along and says “I am the bread (John 6:48-49) - I am the manna that came down from heaven. So Jesus picks up this analogy. If He is the bread of life, then we can expect something would happen on a sixth day in the life of Jesus. What happened on a Friday with Jesus? He was crucified!

    So get this now - The cross of Christ was the double portion; the more than abounding blessings that God had given to us and now what comes the day after Jesus died? It is the Sabbath. Do we realize that the Sabbath is a test to see whether we trust in the full provision made for us at the cross?

    Every Sabbath we keep, we are saying, I trust in the full provision made for me at the cross. I will rest in him. That means, I am resting from my own works (Heb. 4:10). What are my own works? The works of the flesh. The Sabbath reveals our ultimate trust in the sacrifice of Christ. To deny Sabbath is to deny the cross. Denying the cross is Anti-cross and Anti-Christ is Anti-cross.

  9. Sherman Haywood Cox IINovember 16, 2009 at 10:04 AM

    I like your pulling the cross in with the Sabbath and use of Hebrews. As soon as I get permission, I will post this as a full post so that everyone can see it soon...

  10. I've read your article and after you clearly said that you don't agree with Jakes' views on the Sabbath, it was made plain to see that you are not a follower of Jakes. We as Christ lovers and Sabbath keepers can't just go shooting each other down on the internet. It is sad how our own believers (Sabbath keepers) are mad at you for showing Jakes any respect at all. I respect what you wanted to accomplish in this article. My prayer is that all God's people will read their bibles and decide for their selves what is right by God.

    My main argument for sabbath keeping is Exodus 20:8-11. You can not deny that Sabbath keeping is a direct commandment from God. When was it ok to just stop remembering the Sabbath day and keeping it holy? If there are any supportive scriptures that explain Sunday worships innocence than please show me. But until then we should all follow and trust in the Lord and His Holy word.

  11. Nahshon,

    Thank you for recognizing that I am not a supporter of T.D. Jakes' view of the Sabbath. It is amazing to me that people could read what I have written in this article and elsewhere on the website and come to that conclusion. It is interesting how the internet opens the door for people to attack others. Oftentimes people will attack you on the internet mercilessly for minor disagreements while the same people will sit and listen to rank heresy in person without saying a word.

    What is laughable is that the Sabbath is only the beginning of my issues with T.D. Jakes, but as you noted, he still deserves the respect of having a fair hearing. That's what I have done, agreed and disagreed with him.

    I can only come to the conclusion that those who think I am a full supporter of Jakes' view of the Sabbath either did not read what I have written or simply skimmed it. Like I said in another place, you may disagree with me, but I deserve the respect of at least interacting with my argument rather than making assumptions based on figments of one's imagination...that is what I tried to do with Jakes...that is what I wish folks would do with me...then...agree or disagree...at least we are having a conversation...

  12. Dear Pastor,
    I just read the article & agree with you about TD Jakes. It's good that you didn't attack the man as we are to speak evil of no man. You certainly were not speaking evil, but simply trying to convey the truth from God's Word. Keep on giving it out, brother, God is with you. He sees your heart & knows that you are trying to do your best for Him. Everyone needs to keep on looking to Jesus & letting their light shine. You are doing this & God bless you for it...
    Hope you have a blessed Sabbath!!!
    Luv in Christ,
    Patty :)

  13. One of the major problem with us as sabbath keepers are that we don't introduce person to Christ and so everyone who's not a seventh day adventist oftentimes view us as hyprocrist and people forcing on burdens. The sabbath is the lord's and he fulfilled it at the cross. He says come to me all who are laden and he'll give them rest. We must preach the gospel so that people be lead to Christ and he'll lead them to the sabbath because it's his. He obeys it willing and wants us to be identified by it. Read ezekiel chpt 20 and see one of the important indentifying marks of the Sabbtah. We introduce them to the forth commandment and indirectly deceive them in thinking that if they keep the sabbath they will be saved. Were are saved through faith in Christ. And we can only keep all the precept of God when we are saved. Before Christ came men missunderstood the commandments, which were guidelines. The Jews caused them to be burden to the gentiles. Jesus came and fulfilled the commandments by summing them up in two; loving God and loving others. In loving God we will keep the 1st 5 commandments and in loving others we will keep the other 5. Because the commandments of love is what sums up all, just read them and you will see. I know you were not agreeing with T.D Jakes, but a true christian deny not truth but pays respect. It's because of many of the attackers way of arguing why Jakes said some of things he said. Finally what we all need to acknowledge is that being a seventh day adventist doesn't secure heaven, it doesn't make us better from they who don't keep it especially when we keep the truth to ourself. The one who can save us is Jesus, we all need to read the bible and pray and maintain a spiritual relationship with him then men will see it and come to him. Faith is one of the most powerful gifts and the only ones who can keep the commandments are the ones who are saved by faith!!! The commandments are at the heart of the cross, the love of God being establish and when we see what sin did we see what love does. To all repent i say , accept His mercy and live by faith and keep all TEN commandments as an act as faith because you are saved and not to be saved because they can't saved you. Seveth day adventist should know the importance of the sabbath especially in these last days!! Love you all!!!

  14. Check out pastor Myers message on the sabbath titled the War In Heaven:


  15. For any minister or pastor to teach their congregation that Sabbath was only intended for the Jews and that Sabbath keeping today is an attempt to be saved through the Law, I have a few questions. The 7th day rest was given at creation, as was marriage. Is marriage only for the Jews? How do you know this? Ok, there was no distinction in the beginning because if you were God's, you followed what He set. OK, next question, how is Sabbath keeping an attempt to keep the law? Do you think killing, stealing, adultery, lying, coveting, disobeying parents is wrong? Do you think bowing to idols is wrong or worshipping statues is wrong? So tell me, how is it then you keep 9 of the commandments and assume you are not a Law keeper? What makes the Sabbath keeper a law keeper when you acknowledge the same set of rules that keep order? One last questions, if God will shut you out of the kingdom for breaking those 6 laws on the second stone, (kill, stea, adultery, etc), that offend people, how much MORE so do you think He will not allow you in when you directly offend Him by not keeping the Greatest Stone, those set of 4 (that have the Sabbath commandment), in it as well? The first stone was the first and greatest and the 2nd was like it and on those two stones hang alllll the law and the prophets. If you can go on Sunday, you can adjust, please the Living God who holds your very eternal life in His hands, and go on Sabbath. It won't kill you, in fact, it will add more peace in your life. God bless....just a few questions I was faced with when I left the Baptist church 2 years ago. I will never turn back, the SDA's are ON POINT!

  16. I viewed the video of Pastor Jakes' sermon as an explanation of why he was not a sabbatarian. We can agree to disagree without attacking either the faith or the position of the person with whom we disagree. I thought his message had a few good points: (Sin did indeed break God's rest..), but was weak in reasoning as to it's being a shadow. The Shabat was shared with the Adam family before there was sin, and therefore cannot be part of the types and shadows that were added at Sinai. Isaiah 66 informs us that Shabat will be kept after the final eradication of sin. so Shabat (rest) cannot be a "burden". When a person doesn't want to do something, he/she can find (invent) a multitude of good sounding reasons to avoid doing it.. It's interesting that a well-respected pastor can maneuver around obeying a direct order from God. He didn't call them the ten suggestions, or the ten good ideas. Commandment has as it's root word "command", as from superior to inferior.

  17. I dnt get it clear why people disagree on da sabbath day as saterday bcz there r plenty of scriptures dat confirms dat,but as to sunday I dnt know of any.or do you perhaps u cud help here

  18. Let me do a post on this excellence...

  19. Elder Michael NorrisMay 19, 2011 at 7:56 AM

    If you will read Hebrews 3:14 through Hebrews 4:12 it clearly tells you that the Sabbath has not nor can it ever be changed. And to fail to enter not into its rest is a "condition of unbelief"

    "For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;
    While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?
    And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief. Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

  20. Elder Michael NorrisMay 19, 2011 at 8:07 AM

    Jesus didn't have anything to do with it. God did this from the foundation of the world. And Jesus and every other man or woman of God in the Bible kept God's Seventh day Sabbath of rest. If you read Hebrews Chapter 4,it tells you exactly how Jesus had nothing to do with commanding the Sabbath to be kept. That was an ordinance that came from God Almighty.

    "For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.(Just so we know that we are talking about the same Sabbath-Saturday) i

    Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. (In other words, "Keep God's Sabbath and not the Pope's)

    For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. It didn't come from Jesus, It came directly from God)

    There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. (If you want to be people of God, then you must keep the Sabbath-Saturday Holy)

    For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. (Same Sabbath from the beginning-can't be changed)

    Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. (If you don't keep the Sabbath-Saturday- you are a perfect example of unbelief)

    For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (And here's were the sermon begins...)

  21. Elder Michael NorrisMay 19, 2011 at 8:23 AM

    Brother Luke, the Sabbath has nothing to do with Jesus, the cross, or the crucifixion. "For if Jesus had given them rest, would he not have spoke of another day." All of this thinking that About Original Sin and Jesus dying for us because of it didn't even start until about 745 BCE. This all was the crreation and perversion of the truth by the Roman Church to control peoples minds and destinies. They did all of this to take salvation out of God's hands and put it in the hands of "the church". If you read the Catholic Encyclopedia they literally admit that "the Pope changed God's Law." Now many will say that the Catholic Church is Babylon and all of that other stuff but the truth of the matter is that "ALL" Christianity stems from their teaching and dogma. That's why Pope John Paul II when he came into reighn of the Catholic Church said, "All of you christians churches, stop all of this foolishness and come home to the Mother Church. We started it all." And TD Jakes and all of these other fellas are blinded by tradition, greed, etc... It makes me sick when hear these guys get up and say, "It was good for my father... and it's good enough for me." That's not true. They forced your mothers and fathers to practice christianity in a second clss religion caled Baptist. Our father's and mother's were the true House of Israel. Now I know many will say that god left them and paul was the founder of the Christian Church but in his own words, "I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and jacob. God has nto cast away His people which He forknew." ............................

  22. Saint Gregory the Great was a Roman Catholic Pope who lived 540-604 is where the quote Jesus is our sabbath originated. Pope Gregory said quote;"For us, the true sabbath is the person of our redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ." Bro Jake's a False prophet who can't understand the simple topics of the scriptures. He's a papal knight. The blind leader of the blind. Men like him rather use or make up their own senseless commentaries to cast a dark cloud on God's simple words of truth and light. Jake's only preaches what he knows will continue his mega income. Here's what a great thinker said long ago that discribes Jakes- Upton Sinclair said; It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." Blessings & Courage!!!
